Sunday, September 28, 2008

kids do the darndest things....

i love how kids are almost completely, 100% in motion. depending on their personalities, they never stop. they are as unpredictable as the weather.who would have thought that our students can understand complex concepts like drawing weather diagrams? tom does and will frequently draw the spirals of uncoming typhoons when we discuss weather in class.

take, for instance, the challenge of trying to photograph kids. people are always trying to make faces at them so they will smile for the camera, or hold them still so as to capture a moment on film. but it doesn't always work out.

cynthia, for instance, is a darling little girl that is in my afternoon kindergarden class but is as kinetic as a fire sparkler. she wouldn't gather around me with the other girls, so miss connie thought she was safe to take a picture with her not in it, but cynthia had a different artistic vision. she kept leaping into the picture frame and the last moment so we have some awesomely bad pictures to flaunt of some of the afternoon kindergarden children. oh how i love these children.

much love,

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