Wednesday, October 8, 2008

bruiser twins

here we are, already into october. this month's must-have fashion accessory is stitches in conspicuous places. not stiches as in thread on your clothes, but stitches that piece the skin on your body back together.

the hipest kids at berhan are sporting stitches on their chins and foreheads.

here is benjamin and i showing off our battle wounds during his lunchtime last friday. doesn't medical tape go smashing with anything you put with it?
for a few days, eve in afternoon kindergarden and i had matching chin wounds. unfortunately, i didn't get the opportunity to take a picture with her before i took off my medical tape.

this accessory is only for the super-elite, as it cannot be found in any stores. it requires the prerequresite of being cool enough to collide with something unforgiving such as a table, a wall, or bathroom floor, with such force and impact that it rips parts of your skin apart. serious serious business!
hospital love from the Far East,

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