Wednesday, May 16, 2007

happiness and happy meals

i gave my gal pals little lotion samples from mary kay and hand-written notes for mothers' day. heck, if we expect to be mothers one day, we might as well start treating ourselves as them.

i spoke with my bishop about getting a new temple reccomend. we talked about forgiveness. he suggested i think about writing him a heart-felt letter. i think it's a good idea, perfect for me, but i hesitate.

i felt inspired to give service so i bought two happy meals from MacDos with the intent of giving them to bums on the street late at night. 10:30pm, downtown salt lake city, not a bum to be found. i saw more sizzlers' restaurants than hobos. i live in a special place. one happy meal did not survive the excursion, but the other was placed in the middle of sugarhouse park. i hope i have brightened someone's day somewhere, somehow. i've decided to start placing happy meals in places i'm hesitant to go to due to prior negative experiences. it is a good way to make peace.

i read "how to avoid marrying a jerk" and wish i had stumbled upon this book much, much sooner. i'm nervous as hell over a date tonight.

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